Since the Estonian round of governance in the EU and the rise of the cryptocurrencies interests, Estonian E-residency has become a hot topic. We applied for one and here’s our take.

Design thinking has recently become very popular, and has been defined by Forbes as the next competitive advantage companies of every size should invest in. Nonetheless, design thinking techniques are hardly applicable in different business contexts if not accompanied by a thorough understanding of each company and its environment

Cryptocurrencies are once again the new fling of finance and economy. We already saw this, a couple of times, few years ago. With the rise of the new breed of digital currencies, is this the right chance to really build up some momentum?

Is Data protection a choice or a necessity? How the security of our digital systems affects our society?

The current structure of work is unsustainable in the light of disruptive technologies and economical shifts. We will never be ready to tackle a radical change, however times are mature to witness new scenarios and the rise of new opportunities.

Our personal take on the most eclectic unconference about serious gaming. This is the 2nd year we attended #PLAY14 and it’s uttermost deceiving how deep is its impact on our everyday work.

The introduction of artificial intelligences and neural networks will impact the job industry at any level. Are we ready for this?

Our considerations on the Amazon Go phenomenon.

A brief consideration about the Italian startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem: are the numbers so bad or are we just whiners?

Behind a masterful direction, Black Mirror sports an outstanding example of contextual design.